Find it. Fix it. Fast.

Got a fault in your process?

Find it. Fix it. Fast.

With outstanding sixsigma leadership in the form of Jeremy Svoboda and Marc Ammerlaan who have decades of experience in the industry, it is little wonder that leading auto plastic injectionmolding manufacturers, ADIS Tachov s.r.o. utilize a vast range of the methodologies open to them in order to identify and resolve issues quickly.

One such method used hand in hand to complement the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), which we have discussed previously, is the slightly more direct Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) approach.

Whereas FMEA conducts analysis to find all possible system failure modes irrespective of their severity, FTA focuses on all potential system failures of an undesired top event so you can dissect the risk in a different way.

The purpose of FTA is to essentially identify items such as the cause of a system failure and mitigate the risks of it happening before it occurs. In turn, saving down time, product issues, wastage, and of course cost

The diagram itself uses a tree logic and a series of gate symbols that describe the relationship between input and output events and visually represent the flow of information and possible issues. Starting at the top with the undesirable event, the ‘tree’ goes downwards in layers to identify each contributor and event.  Once completed, you can very easily see risk areas and then move to avoid them.

As huge advocates of lean methods across their whole organization, including both FMEA and FTA, ADIS takes manufacturing to a new level. It’s with this intricate attention to detail that they are able to guarantee quality, guarantee efficiency, and deliver on their promise of being on time, every time.

Posted On:
August 18, 2022

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 We supply some of the largest vehicle manufacturers in the world, and one thing which differentiates us from our competitors is the ability for a purchasing manager to simply pick up the phone and speak directly with us .  Jeremy Svoboda, Executive Director

Based in Central Europe and operating internationally, ADIS boasts decades of experience in the industry and is proud to do things a little differently. Obsessed by engagement with customers on a personal level, this increased trust results in better relationships, clearer understanding, and the ultimate ease of doing business. The business fundamentals of quality, speed, and on-time delivery sit hand in hand with the care and attention each product deserves here at ADIS, and we take a unique approach to your unique product, something we call delivering Quality with Integrity.